Rig State detection

Live provides the rig state detection to help to analyse the current and past well states and safety

The rig state plugin can be found in the marketplace

Operations feed

The activities will be displayed both on the rig and on the well interfaces. They are available under the "Operation Status" tab.

This feature requires that the input standard channels are identified.

In this feed, it is also possible to add, delete and edit operations, even those that were detected automatically.

If the data is normalized by rig, the operations will only be shown on the well interface if there is an active intervention, and vice-versa.


Intelie Live provides two different algorithms for detecting the current drilling activity. It is also possible to add and edit those activities manually. Their configuration is accessed on the Configurations menu, as the image shows.

For each algorithm, several parameters are available for configuration. It is also possible to change the output operations names and colors.

There are examples of usage of each algorithm under the "How to use" tab.

For the default algorithm, it is also possible to enable and disable the operation auto detection, which populates automatically the operations lists for rigs and wells.

With version less than 2.26 the rig state is at plugin-opmode with other nomeclature.

Rig state detection configuration by rig

At the rig menu it is possible to access the models configuration to change the values used by the physical model algorithms to identify the rig state:

It is possible to overwrite only the parameters for the current rig. The parameters that are not overwritten the globally configured values will be used. There are two parameters that are presented as read-only, since they are editable at the Derrick configuration at the rig screen tab:

It is also possible to enable and disable the algorithm calculation per rig:

If the rig is not enabled, a message will be shown at the operation status screen:

Derrick parameters stand length and pipe length are configurable on the rig screen at the Derrick Information card. If they are not informed the configured global values will be used.

Pipes functions

The old opmode functions are still available for compatibility reasons:

  • drilling.normalized_opmode

  • normalized_operation_mode

To use the configuration of a specific rig one can use one of the functions that receive the rig name as the first parameter:

  • drilling.rig_state

  • drilling.normalized_rig_state

Above an example of the query used to retrieve the rig state of a rig by name:

def @@mnemonics: (@@channels.weight_on_bit, @@channels.hole_depth, @@channels.rotary_speed, @@channels.rate_of_penetration, @@channels.bit_depth, @@channels.fluid_flow, @@channels.block_position, @@channels.weight_on_hook); event_type .timestamp:adjusted_index_timestamp mnemonic!:@@mnemonics

=> expand drilling.normalized_rig_state("rigName", adjusted_index_timestamp#, mnemonic, value#, uom, @@mnemonics!) every 15 seconds => @set operating_mode != prev(operating_mode) ? random(), 0 as r => @throttle 2 min by operating_mode, r => @filter operating_mode != 'UNDEFINED' && operating_mode != null => @yield newmap(operating_mode, 1:object(), 'timestamp', timestamp#, '__color', newmap(operating_mode, __color)


In the following image, it is possible to see the result of the stand length changed in the rig configuration, for the same time period on the dashboard the representation is updated due to the new value passed to the physical model algorithm.

Unit configuration

It is possible to configure the rig state detection units constants per rig

Default Value - RigState Parameters

This topic describes how to configure the Rig State detection and it defines all parameters considered and how they impact the Rig State detection.


Description and use in RigState

Pipe Lenght

Drill pipe or Casing/Liner joint length

Stand Length

The number of drill pipes or joints that compose a stand. If the bit depth moves more than one stand 'is tripping' is set as true.

Block Weight

Weight of Block or hook load when the drillpipe is 'in slips'. It is the sum of Travelling block weight and Top Drive Weight (Derrick Info).

Minimum Fluid Flow

The minimum fluid flow to set true as 'is circulating'.

Flow rate > minimum fluid flow --> is circulating

Flow rate <= minimum fluid flow -> is not circulating

Minimum Rotary Speed

The minimum Rotatory Speed to set true as 'is rotating'.

Rotatory Speed > minimum Rotatory Speed -> is rotating

Rotatory Speed <= minimum Rotatory Speed -> is not rotating

Minimum Rotary Speed

The minimum Rotatory Speed to set true as 'is rotating'.

Rotatory Speed > minimum Rotatory Speed -> is rotating

Rotatory Speed <= minimum Rotatory Speed -> is not rotating

Minimum Weight On Bit

The minimum Weight On Bit to set true as 'has weight on bit'.

Rotatory Speed > minimum Rotatory Speed -> is rotating

Rotatory Speed <= minimum Rotatory Speed -> is not rotating

Minimum Torque

The Minimum Torque to set true as 'has torque'.

Torque > minimum torque -> has torque

Torque <= minimum torque -> has not torque

Minimum Standpipe Pressure

The Minimum Standpipe Pressure to set true as 'has spp’.

Standpipe pressure > Minimum Standpipe Pressure -> has standpipe pressure

Standpipe pressure <= Minimum Standpipe Pressure -> has no standpipe pressure

Minimum Rate Of Penetration

The Minimum Rate Of Penetration to set true as 'is penetrating'.

ROP > Minimum Rate Of Penetration-> is penetrating

ROP <= Minimum Rate Of Penetration -> is not penetrating

Bottom Depth Tolerance

The threshold to define if the bit is on bottom or off bottom.

Hole depth - bit depth > bottom depth tolerance -> off bottom

Hole depth - bit depth < bottom depth tolerance -> on bottom

Movement Threshold

Movement threshold is used to define if the bit depth and hole depth are constant or not.

Block Weight Tolerance Threshold

Used to define if the hook load is near Travelling Block Weight or not

Hook Load Ratio Threshold

Used to define which variation the hook load is increasing or decreasing

Connection Timeout

Maximum connection time

Minimum Operation

Minimum time to leave of one specific micro rig state (minimum duration of the rigState).

Low Bit Depth Threshold

BHA length. When bit depth is lower than this length the rig state is defined as Column Assembly.

Data Period

Data periodicity (1s, 5s, etc) - Used to calculate the Sliding window length. Impact on OP Mode switch delay.

Default settings and guidelines for adjustment per rig


Default Values


Range (Metris)


Range (Imperial)

Pipe Lenght



7-15 m


Stand Length



Block Weight





22-220 klbf

Minimum Fluid Flow



13 gpm



Minimum Rotary Speed

0.21 rad/s


1-4 RPM

Minimum Weight On Bit

2000 N

200 kgf

440 lbf

50-500 kgf

110-1100 lbf

Minimum Torque

500 N.m

370 lbf.ft

200-800 N.m

150-590 lbf.ft

Minimum Standpipe Pressure

500000 Pa

5 bar

73 psi

2 - 7 bar

30-100 psi

Minimum Rate Of Penetration

0.0003 m/s


3 ft/h

0.5 - 2 m/h

1.6-6.5 ft/h

Bottom Depth Tolerance

0.45 m

1.5 ft

0.3 - 0.7m

1 - 2.5ft

Movement Threshold

0.2 m

0.7 ft

0.1 - 0.3 m

0.3 - 1ft

Block Weight Tolerance Threshold


0.05 - 10

Hook Load Ratio Threshold



Connection Timeout

1200 s

20 min

10-60 min

Minimum Operation

10000 ms

10 s


Low Bit Depth Threshold


1300 ft



Data Period

1 s


Last updated