

  • Hole cleaning and cuttings bed prediction

  • Suspension fluid hydraulics

  • Solids transport in suspension

  • Bed formation and transport

  • Mass exchange between suspension and bed layers due to deposition and resuspension effects. Deposition and resuspension take into account:

    • Geometry and well trajectory

    • Operational parameters (ROP, flow rate)

    • Solids characteristics (cuttings average size, cuttings density)

    • Flow characteristics (fluid rheological model, flow conditions)

    • Constitutive equations can be calibrated to fit direct or indirect data

  • Force exchanges between layers:

    • Layers accelerate and decelerate each other

    • The model will predict locations along the wellbore where the bed layer is moving or stationary

  • Two layers cross-section geometry (cross-section areas, wet perimeters takes into account bed volume fraction, drill pipe eccentricity)

  • Transient effects: Takes into account real-time inputs such as geometry and operational parameters variation, as well as previous two-layer model results (bed and suspended solids concentration status)

  • Constitutive/closure equations allow calibration with field and laboratory data.

  • Compute minimal flow for efficient cleaning.

  • Lag time and Lag Depth: transient and steady-state

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