Event Settings

In this configuration panel, the user can customize many aspects of the Data Normalization engine.

Pipes filter

Pipes filters are used to filter different events that have the same identifiers (name, UID, etc). Filtered events will be used as Input Channels to create the normalization.

See more about pipes filters on Pipes Language reference.

Type of generated event

The value of this field will be the event type generated by the normalization. That means the event type used by dashboards and widgets when performing queries to present the data in the channels charts.

Auto switch

This feature allows Live to exchange the selected Input channels based on their status. These exchanges will follow pre-configured priorities on each Input channel and the thresholds for the exchanges can be configured in the standard auto-switch thresholds feature, at Additional features.

See more on Auto-Switch under the Data Normalization section.

Ignore missing input unit

Enabling this feature will allow Live to receive values without Input units. If this feature is disabled, events without Input units will generate conversion errors.

Automatically normalize all Input channel on Standard Channels

By enabling this feature Live will normalize all Input channels on the Standard Channels automatically. Automatic configurations can be enriched through additional configurations on the Channels Management.

Include raw fields

This feature is useful to help on the identification of issues related to the raw data. By enabling this feature, the normalized event will be enriched with extra fields like: raw value and raw unit.

Ignore unit conversion errors

By enabling this feature Live will receive values from events, despite their unit compatibility. If this feature is disabled, events with unit conversion errors will present empty values.

Normalize messages

By enabling this feature, you allow LIVE to normalize and enrich the messages from this text channel with the Input information.

Last updated