Depth Channels Chart

View channels in a depth interval


The same configurations found on Temporal Channels Chart is also found here.

Channels depth comes with a Depth selector instead of Time selector and have a Depth Grid configuration:

Depth Selector

This chart only shows channels that were originally indexed by depth. The chart uses the property index_value that represents the depth on the normalized events.

The units of measurement used for the depth on the normalized events can be configured as show in the data indexes section.

Depth based charts can be used to visualize a fixed depth range identified by the Exact Depth option, or update dynamically, identified by Relative to asset option.

Depth Grid

Documentation for version 2.30.0 or greater

Depth grid allow a depth interval highlighting using a predefined example, or any custom interval between Micro, Minor and Major grid lines.

Note that this configuration is unit free. You're configuring depth units interval regardless of the current unit of measurement of the depth index.

Visualization for the above configuration (25/50/100)

Customizing data gaps report threshold for depth channels charts

As explained at "Customizing data gaps report threshold for temporal channels charts", all temporal and depth channels charts will display data gaps if "Report data gaps" feature is on.

The size of these gaps is defined globally in the Live administration, or by the @@dataGapsReportThreshold macro for temporal channels charts.

For depth channels charts, however, data size customization should be done using the @@depthDataGapsReportThreshold. This macro can be defined in a pipes module, and just like any other pipes macro, the developer can use conditionals, access live variable (for example, live.matchspan) and other macros (such as @@context and @@lookup).

When creating the pipes module, just make sure to turn the options "Disable prefixing module functions with the qualifier" on.

Last updated