Normalized events schema

Normalized events basic schema

As we will see in the next chapter, the index of each measurement may vary according to the context, basically if the date and/or the depth can be inferred for each data source.

Debug mode

If the option Include raw fields is marked on the asset normalization configuration, an extra set of fields is added to each event. This is useful for troubleshooting and audit reasons.


If any error occurs in the normalization the normalized event will contain an errors field. This field will be a list of all the related errors, please see below the possible values

Unit automatic fixes

The normalization process tries to fix the unit automatically when either the source unit or the target unit are not one of those described by the Energistics standard dictionary.

The default unit conversions supported by Live are described in the unit conversion page. Additional conversions are also supported by customizing the unit management tools:

Additional fields

Normalized event contains some additional compressed fields in order to save space. They may be expanded as following:

Usage example:

=> config:normalizer_config() as config, extra:curve_extra() as extra


  "include_extra_fields": false,
  "wellbore_name": "",
  "ignore_missing_units": false,
  "ignore_unit_errors": true,
  "targetMessageMnemonic,name": "MSG",
  "enabled": true,
  "event_type,name": "rig_01",
  "filter": "raw_rig_01",
  "has_default_depth_mnemonic": false,
  "merge_standard_curves_with_normalization_curves": false,
  "curves": "{\"CHANNEL_01\":{\"source\":\"XPTO Services 01\",
      \"filter\":\"liverig__object-\\u003name:\\u0027Section 1 - Time\\u0027\",
      \"filter\":\"liverig__object-\\u003name:\\u0027GENERAL TIME-BASED\\u0027\",
  "include_raw_fields": false,
  "name": "RIG 01",
  "well_name": "WELL-1",
  "enableAutoSwitch": false

  "CURVE_01": {
    "uom": "psi",
    "description": "CURVE base",
    "value": "11000"
  "well": {
    "value": {
      "id": "130",
      "name": "My Bay - Brazil"
  "intervention": {
    "value": "6e5d5a3d-79c0-408e-ac18-f5de970eacfa"

Last updated