Data normalization templates
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Last updated
Intelie Live supports data normalization templates to speed up the configuration of the normalization. If assets have part of their sources configuration in common, e.g. the same service company, then a template can be used to define that configuration.
Create template option will create a template with all channels configured in this asset. That is useful to save the same configuration and apply it for other assets.
Import template option allows selection of an already saved template to import to this asset. Imported channels will be merged to already configured ones.
By selecting “Prioritize the channels selected on this template for the selected assets”, the template channels will be imported and selected. If this option is off, the selected channels will be the ones that already exists.
The templates can be managed on the system configuration.
Be aware that the only fields saved are:
Target channel
Input channel
Filter pipes
Depth channel (if applicable )