This feature allows you to execute a WITSML query against the WITSML Store behind the LiveRig Collector using the remote control API.
This endpoint only supports WITSML protocol
Required information
Query Parameters
Collector rig name (used as configured event type)
Request Body
XML query to execute over the source WITMSL server endpoint
200: OK A JSON object with `success` field and its value represents the effective response from WITSML third-party server wrapped as another JSON object: an `result` short attribute (being 1 a success and 0 for a failure) and a `xml` string attribute with the query results. 200: OK In case of internal Liverig failures, one of the following responses will raise.
Copy {
"success" : {
"result" : 1 ,
"xml" : "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>..."
Copy {
"failure" : "IllegalArgumentException: anything can come here, just an example.."
"cancel" : ""
"interrupt" : ""
A example is demonstrated below using effective requests and responses. That is for demonstration purposes only. Do not copy/paste into a production environment.
Source name: "Example WITSML server"
Query: list all headers of well UID Energistics-well-0001
HTTP request body containing the WITSML query for this well object:
Copy < wells xmlns =\ "\" version =\ "\" >
< well uid =\ "Energistics-well-0001\" >
< name />
</ well >
</ wells >
CLI for Unix or Powershell:
Copy curl -v "\"Example WITSML server\"&rigName=\"RIG02\"&type=well" \
--user myuser:mypass \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "<wells xmlns=\"\" version=\"\">\n <well uid=\"Energistics-well-0001\">\n <name />\n </well>\n</wells>"
Using session cookies instead of direct user credentials authentication (for SAML-enabled environments):
Copy curl -v "\"Example WITSML server\"&rigName=\"RIG02\"&type=well" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-csrf-token: e45e59aa-cd1d-4b61-802a-a12c35803fa9" \
-H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=node02gbcgw4hpnq44o8fx83c9vjp12438.node0" \
-d "<wells xmlns=\"\" version=\"\">\n <well uid=\"Energistics-well-0001\">\n <name />\n </well>\n</wells>"
Copy {
"success" : {
"result" : 1 ,
"xml": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><wells xmlns=\"\" version=\"\"><well uid=\"Energistics-well-0001\"><name>Energistics Certification Well 1</name><numGovt>Energistics-numGovt-11111</numGovt><dTimLicense>2001-05-15T13:20:00Z</dTimLicense><field>Big Field</field><country>US</country><state>TX</state><county>Montgomery</county><region>Region Name</region><district>District Name</district><block>Block Name</block><timeZone>-06:00</timeZone><operator>Operating Company</operator><operatorDiv>Division Name</operatorDiv><pcInterest uom=\"%\">65</pcInterest><numAPI>Energistics-numAPI-11111</numAPI><statusWell>drilling</statusWell><purposeWell>exploration</purposeWell><dTimSpud>2001-05-31T08:15:00Z</dTimSpud><dTimPa>2001-07-15T15:30:00Z</dTimPa><wellDatum uid=\"KB\"><name>Kelly Bushing</name><code>KB</code><elevation uom=\"ft\">78.5</elevation></wellDatum><wellCRS uid=\"proj1\"><name>ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</name><mapProjection><nameCRS namingSystem=\"epsg\">ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</nameCRS><NADType>unknown</NADType></mapProjection></wellCRS><wellCRS uid=\"geog1\"><name>ED50</name><geographic><nameCRS namingSystem=\"epsg\">ED50</nameCRS></geographic></wellCRS><commonData><dTimCreation>2023-09-04T16:23:03.021Z</dTimCreation><dTimLastChange>2023-09-04T16:33:53.869Z</dTimLastChange></commonData></well></wells>"