
Released on 23th April 2021


  • Improvements on Depth Grid wording and concept adherence (more)

  • Added objectives table for formations by depth at well parameters (more)

  • Improved well geometry data with casing information at well parameters (more)

  • Plugin spectrum to calculate FFT of a time domain signal (more)

  • Added BOP configuration components and notes for status register (more)

  • WITS Custom Mapping (more)

  • Allow searching for sources on Intelie Live Collectors screen

  • New API for source endpoint validation in remote control of Intelie Live Collectors (more)

  • Ignore special WITSML null values (more)

Fixes and improvements

  • Improved integrations security with encoding strategy

  • Fixed pressure tests performance queries

  • Improve "Depths auto update" in the "Additional Features" menu to allow the selection of values ​​to update hole depth and measured depth separately

  • Fixed bugs at units conversion engine

    • Alias which points to a Unit Extensions are not being loaded after system initialization;

    • It is not possible to create a Unit Alias pointing to a Unit FixUp (gal[US]/min, for example);

    • Converting a Unit Alias to its own source unit should work independently of its conversion factors.

  • Fix and improve Asset status

    • When an asset has more than one collector associated it should show the asset status in this priority: online, backlog, all sources offline, offline, error

    • A problem was occurring when the asset was associated with more than one collector and one of the collectors had more than one source. In this case, when only one source of a collector was transmitting data, the status of the asset was being shown as offline and should be online.

  • Cumulative fixes from 2.28 and 2.29 stable versions

    • Fixes the edition of Additional Fields at Data Management tab of some assets (e.g Rigs, Crews)

    • Fixes a HTTP 400 error when requesting WITSML tree using # in sourceName

    • Prevents dashboards crash in mobile mode when display units are active

    • Bop configuration at rig parameters

    • Unit management improvements

      • Fix alias edit modal

      • Search for units should be case insensitive

      • Search for units don't work well after the scroll has already been used

      • Fix modal focus

New API for source endpoint validation in remote control of Intelie Live Collectors

Creates the testSourceEndpoint


POST https://environment.com/services/plugin-liverig/collectors/testSourceEndpoint?qualifier=&instance=live

Test a source endpoint. Currently supports WITSML client and server mode protocols.

Query Parameters




Collector qualifier



Collector instance

Request Body




Together with sourceName , it is used to obtain data from the source to validate the endpoint when source object is not provided.



Together with eventType , it is used to obtain data from the source to validate the endpoint when source object is not provided.



Source object, containing the endpoint, mode, name , username, password, protocolName, protocolVersion, rigName and serviceCompany

    "success": {
        "result": "true"

Last updated