Hidden Units

Available since the plugin-liverig 3.3.0 release.

The HideUnitsService service delivers a filter capability to all current methods present in the UnitsResource (used by the frontend in many situations including dashboards and channels management).

This service is customizable since plugin-liverig 3.7.0, hiding the Unit on all frontend (HIDE_ALL) or maintaining the autocomplete feature on the channels management screen (NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL). The HIDE_ALL type of filtering is the default type, even if it is not specified. This service is exposed to be used by any plugin.

This service provides two methods on 3.3.0 release:

  • hideUnits - hide desired units

  • contains - check whether a unit is already hidden

This service provides five more methods on 3.7.0release:

  • applyFilter - returns a boolean that represents if a unit is being hidden on all frontend (HIDE_ALL) or maintaining the autocomplete feature on the channels management screen (NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL).

  • filtersUOM - returns a list containing all filtered units (only the unit).

  • filters - returns a list containing all filtered units and their respective filterTyper (HIDE_ALL or NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL).

  • filtersByUnit - returns a UnitsFilter.Type if the filter list contains specified unit

  • filtersByType - returns all filtered units by filter type (UnitsFilter.Type)

The following Groovy plugin example hides "UGT" and "rad" units on all frontend (HIDE_ALL) and "miUS2" unit while maintaining the autocomplete feature on the channels management screen (NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL):

//@liveplugin pluginHideThreeUnits@1.0.0
//@requirePlugins plugin-liverig

import net.intelie.live.Live
import net.intelie.liverig.plugin.units.HideUnitsService

//UnitsFilter package required to customize the filter type after live-rig 3.7.0
import net.intelie.liverig.plugin.units.UnitsFilter

HideUnitsService service = live.system().getPluginService(HideUnitsService.class)
service.hideUnits(live, "UGT")
service.hideUnits(live, UnitsFilter.Type.HIDE_ALL, "rad")
service.hideUnits(live, UnitsFilter.Type.NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL, "miUS2")

// how to hide an units collection
List<String> thousands = new ArrayList()
​for ( i in (0..1000).toArray() ) {
  thousands.add("example" + i)

// single method call will work with any number of units
service.hideUnits(live, thousands.toArray(new String[0]))

Note: This Groovy code must be uploaded as a plugin to Live in administration page since it uses the @requirePluginsstatement. Groovy snippets doesn't support dependencies.

Hidden units will not be available in Live's autocomplete tools if the HIDE_ALL type is used (like those available at the Data Management, Asset parameters, Unit Management Tools, Standard Channels and Display Units screens). The NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL filter type will retain the autocomplete tools on the Standard Channel screen.

It's expected the following behaviors in case an unit be hidden but was being used at:

It's expected the following behaviors in case an unit be hidden but was being used at:

  • Standard Channels: the user will receive an warning

  • Display Units: the user will be prevented from saving until they modify the hidden variable. This can break some widgets, just like when an alias or an unit extension is modified (see more)

  • Data Normalization (either as the source or target channel unit): no warning is shown at the Data Management screen, and the normalization will be executed as the unit was visible.

  • Asset Parameters, Data Management or Unit Management Tools: The user will receive no warning, but the unit will not be suggested by the autocomplete (HIDE_ALL) or retain the suggestion by the autocomplete (NOT_INPUT_CHANNEL).

Last updated

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