Structure of the functions

Built-in functions

All models are done as built-in functions, helping to do any analysis.

Structure for all output of og.model functions

All og.model functions return a structure with log and result.

  • Log: debugging tool, we can see debug, info, warnings, and error messages. Very important to check errors at the specific function calling data.

  • Result: Desire output, can be a single value or a map.

Run the models using Historical, Active, or set IDs Interventions/Section/Runs

Interventions -> Section -> Run -> Operations

How it works

For CURRENT date (now, last x min, etc)

  • The algorithm finds the active intervention, last section, and ACTIVE RUN and Fluid. This mode does not need the dates on intervention and runs.

For one SELECTED TIME (historical)

  • The algorithm finds the intervention date interval (can be active, finished, or schedule), go to the last section and see if there is some RUN where the interval fits the SELECTED TIME (end date), otherwise go to the next section. For this mode is mandatory to set all dates interval.

Set the interventionID, sectionIndex and runIndex

  • In this mode all og.model functions can receive as input the: interventionId, drillingSectionPosIndex and runPosIndex

         newmap("wellId", "{well_id}",  
                "weightOnBit", value_N,
                "rotarySpeed", value_rad/s, 
                "torqueOnBit", value_N.m, 
                "rateOfPenetration", value_m/s,
                "interventionId", "value_ID",
                "drillingSectionPosIndex", value_index,
                "runPosIndex", value_index

Last updated